If you have been inspired by your visit to the GSBF-Clark Bonsai Collection in Shinzen or its website, you can support its mission through annual bonsai adoption. Not only will your sponsorship help us to maintain a national treasure, but it can also help to grow and improve the Collection and its educational programs.
You will receive:
- a thank you letter that you may use for a tax deduction in keeping with the CBCS’s 501c3 non-profit status
- a 4 x 6” refrigerator magnet picture of your bonsai
- a Clark Bonsai Collection pin
- notification and a photo whenever the tree is on display
Acknowledgments: You will be identified as the sponsor
- on the image of the tree on the website
- on the display plaque in the bonsai garden
- in the exhibition book whenever the tree is exhibited
A full list of our adoptable Bonsai (in PDF format), and Bonsai that are currently adopted can be found using the button below.
To fill out the Bonsai Adoption Form and pay for the adoption online, please visit the Adopt a Bonsai Online link using the button below.
If you would like to pay by check make the check out to “GSBF-Clark Bonsai Collection” and mail the check and completed form to:
GSBF-Clark Bonsai Collection
P.O. Box 5382
Fresno, CA 93755